Publier le :
9 December 2024

This article provides information on the Mobility Inclusion Card, the famous ‘CMI’. You’ll also find advice from our expert Dora Blasberg on how to obtain and use it.

What is the mobility and inclusion card ?

The Inclusion Mobility Card (CMI) is an official French scheme designed to facilitate mobility for people with disabilities or who have difficulty getting around. Replacing the old priority, invalidity and parking cards, the CMI simplifies access to rights and benefits linked to mobility and offers a practical format, the size of a bank card.

Issued by the MDPHs (departmental centres for the disabled), this card guarantees easier access to everyday infrastructures and services, while being more modern and secure. As an occupational psychologist, Dora Blasberg reminds us that the accessibility of public and professional places is an essential element in promoting inclusion and well-being at work, as she shares in her advice on the recognition of disabled workers.

Did you know that there is not just one MIF, but several? We’ll talk about that in the next paragraph!